Radio Flyer Restoration Part IV Finale’

To complete the restoration of the Radio Flyer, most of the attention was given to the tub. The inside of the tub had some pitting due to years of sitting outside and gathering rain. It had been painted a few times over the years, but unfortunately, paint was applied over top of rust, which made it rust even more. The tub was sanded to the bare metal and the pits were filled with glazing/spot putty. After the putty cured, it was wet sanded smooth, then another layer of putty was applied and the process repeated a total of 4 times. The end result was a smooth inner tub. All of the parts were wet sanded and primed multiple times to achieve the desired results. And to finish, every part was give 3 coats of paint. Everything was given a light coat paint, given ample time to cure, then they were given and medium coat and finished with a heavier coat. I let the paint cure for about a week before everything was put back together. The end result was much better than we could’ve expected. Please enjoy the video, hopefully it will provide you with tips to aide in your next restoration.

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