Category: Custom Diecast

  • Custom Matchbox Barn Find VW Bus

    Imagine walking into an old, forgotten barn and finding a vintage VW Bus just waiting to be restored. That’s the inspiration for this custom. It was a lot of fun and gave me the opportunity to try different weathering techniques. Hope you enjoy the video, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.…

  • Custom Hot Wheels VW SP2

    Still playing around with some different weathering techniques. This VW SP2 was a good candidate to try new textures with common household cooking products. I love the way that it turned out other than the fact that this particular car in real life would have a lot of fiberglass parts that wouldn’t really rust. The…

  • Custom Hot Wheels VW Beetle Camper

    Thought it’d be fun to do another custom using the VW Beetle truck. Playing around with different mediums to create this custom VW Beetle camper. After it was finished, I wished that I hadn’t included the piping around the edge of the camper, it was very soft metal and it moved on me while painting.…

  • Custom Hot Wheels Hudson Hornet

    I’m supposed to be working on a 1:18 scale VW Beetle, but I saw this car on the pegs and thought it’d be a good candidate for a quick custom. I wanted this car to look like it has been sitting out in the elements for many years and even though many people have offered…

  • Custom Hot Wheels ’78 Dodge Pickup

    This will be the last Hot Wheels custom for a while. I’ll be starting on a 1:24 scale VW Beetle model in the near future. I want to do the model to hone my air brushing skills and work with different mediums. This custom truck was more of a filler to try a new rust/weathering…