Month: December 2018

  • Custom Hot Wheels Junkyard Charger Part VI

    Had a little time this evening to work on the custom, junkyard Charger. I’ve got an image in my head of this project finished, it’s just going to take a while to get to it. I want this car sitting on a cinder block in the rear with the rear wheel removed. I want it…

  • New Hot Wheels Drag Bus Added To The Collection

    I’ve been looking for this latest rendition of the Hot Wheels VW Drag Bus for a while now and Lenora was lucky enough to find one the other day while walking the aisles of Walmart. If you’re a beginner collector or not a collector at all, the Drag Bus might not mean anything to you.…

  • Custom Hot Wheels Junkyard Charger Part V

    Alright, so I got more done today than I had actually planned. While I’d rather be outside doing something, the weather has different plans. Anyhow, I’m about 95% finished with the chassis. Got a nice weathering layer on it, painted in some details, but there’s just a bit more to do. I’ll let this dry…

  • Custom Hot Wheels Junkyard Charger Part IV

    Since it’s a nasty, wet, winter day, I decided to start on the 2nd layer of weathering. I’ll usually let these projects set for a couple of days in between adding things just to let my mind clear and come up with new ideas. But since it’s nasty outside, I decided to press on. The…