Some Upgrades For Ruby

Ruby got some upgrades over the past couple of weeks starting with LED replacement fog lights. I did the same thing to Ruby #1 last year. I can’t stand the yellowish look of the stock fog lights, they just don’t look right with the LED angel eyes. Unfortunately, the light replacement wasn’t as easy as it was on the Camaro. Same process, pull the fender well away from the fender and you can reach in and replace the lights. Chevy was smart enough to use easy removable plastic rivets that could be re-used, but Dodge used permanent plastic rivets that require a tool for removal and installation. You’ll need a plastic rivet removal tool and a rivet gun that can handle the larger plastic rivets. You can pick up the removal tool for about 8 dollars at any automotive store and the automotive rivet gun (not your standard riveter) can be picked up at Harbor Freight for about 12 dollars. Replacement rivets are about 5 dollars for 12. Anyhow, I got them replaced and they look so much better. I also installed Welt piping around the dash, console and door panels just to add a little color. The install around the dash and console was super easy, took about 30 minutes. Around the door panel was a different story. Total pain in the ass and took about 3 hours. I’ve got about 10 dollars in the welt piping. I’m still not 100% sold yet, but it’s growing on me. Best part, if I don’t like it, it can be removed in about 3 minutes. Next project for both the Challenger and Charger is installation of catch cans. Should be here next week.

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