Tag: carb
Mabel Maintenance
The other day when I updated Mabel’s fuel lines and performed an overall maintenance inspection, I noticed that most of her vacuum plugs were beginning to dry rot a bit. Nothing major, but something that still needed to be addressed. I also noticed that her drivers side low beam head light wasn’t working properly as…
Updating Mabel’s Fuel Delivery For Safety
There seems to have been a rash of engine fires lately that really grabbed my attention. Common causes seem to be bad/wrong fuel lines, fuel inlet to the carb and fuel filter location. I’ve had 9 vintage VW’s over the years and I’ve always placed my fuel filter in between the fuel inlet on the…
May Have Found The Culprit
May have found the carb issue with Mabel. I took the carb apart last night to clean the jets and tested the float. However, I tested the float in water which is heavier than gas, so it floated fine in water, but as you can see from the pics above, it doesn’t float in gas.…
Mabel Doing Better, But Not 100%
Here are the preliminary results….drum roll…I took the carb off and pulled it apart…very clean looking, but I removed all the jets and cleaned them with carb cleaner, blew them all with 60 psi….all openings in the carb were cleaned with carb cleaner and blown out as well…float floated, so no issue there…As I mentioned…