Tag: restoration

  • Heat Wrap

    A little wired after work tonight so I proceeded with the heat wrap install on the exhaust. Pretty pleased with the way that it turned out. Not sure how much it’ll subtract from the heat factor, but my biker friends swear by it. Guess time will tell.

  • Heat Wrap

    Since my Beetle will be a summer time driver only, having heat will not be a concern for me. No need for heat exchangers. So I’ve decided to wrap my J tubes with heat wrap to help cut down on some of the heat from the exhaust. Not a big part of the project, but…

  • Some Progress

    It’s been a few days since I’ve been able to do any work on the Beetle. Unfortunately, new years eve, my 83 year old mother slipped in her bath tub, punctured the back of her head and fractured her 2nd vertebrae. We spent the evening and stroke of the new year in the ICU of…

  • Merry Christmas Eve

    In between putting Christmas gifts together this morning, I managed to get a couple of things done on the Beetle. First and foremost, I found a person who may be able to help me get my head machined for the larger jugs. He no longer has the tooling to do it, but has some connections…

  • More Of The Same

    After last nights discovery that the new/used head that I bought would have to be machined to work with my current setup, my motivation to work on the Beetle was pretty much nil this morning. However, I did receive my aftermarket alternator stand from chircoestore.com in the mail and decided to test fit it. The…